In regards to the company…


In regards to the company York1 submitted plan to re-open the long dormant dump from the Town of Dresden. It is my understanding that the original approval for this land plot to be used for land fill was issued in 1979.
I would think that any individual who has even a modest degree of knowledge about any provincial changes in environmental impact. Would agree that things have changed quite significantly since that approval of 45 years ago.
The emissions standards for the vehicle we all drive today has made huge strides and no car of 1979 can even pass today’s standard expected of a 2024.
So why would a company be allowed to re-opened a land fill area from approval nearly a half a century ago. The incidentally was never really used as a refuse land fill. Basically ash form an incinerator from a separate location was placed there.
For York1 to be allowed by the start up operations of a land fill at this location with a creek leading to a Sydenham river is ridiculous.
If anyone at the Ministry of Environment allows this to occur and operate is being duped by this company that has already proven itself trying to bypass assessment.
This town and community deserve to be protected from a company who will only look at profit, not the people.
It is in my opinion you job as the Ministry of Environment to protect the people, environment of Dresden.
Thank you.