One thing I found…


One thing I found interesting was the title, which states the former town of Dresden. I realize with amalgamation to Chatham-Kent we lose our status as a town but don't try to tell that to the 100's of families that have lived here for generations. If this new dump is approved at a location within a Km of Dresden it will possibly become the former town of Dresden in reality. This dump as proposed will destroy this town. Lost will be 100's of years of history and generations of families who will move on and leave this town desolate. With the land York1 has purchased already to expand the dump it will become one of the largest in Ontario and with the largest comes to biggest issues. The first issue is that the most southern part of their acquired property being 200 meter from Dresden's most north subdivision. Who in the right minds wants to live 200 meters from a dump. Being that close brings into play the noise pollutions they would have to endure from 100's of trucks per day. The noise from large bulldozers moving around the waste all day long. The noise of the company crushing concrete to remove rebar 24/7. Yes, noise pollution is going to be a big issue if you allow this dump to move forward.
The company has put in their application 500 tonnes a day of putrescible waste. This as you know is the worst waste to be near homes. It has the foulest odor which will attract wild animals and of course rats. With only a 200 meter barrier to the nearest subdivision the rats are going to show up without a doubt in everyone's home, carrying disease and other issues. Yes, air pollution is going to be a problem.

When this was a tile yard 50 or so years ago a lot of the clay was used to manufacture clay tiles and because the ground was clay, I believe both natural and man made drains are on the property to allow surface water to drain into Molly's Creek and then almost instantly into the Sydenham River. The destruction of the eco system within the wetland will never be prevented no matter what type of safety systems are put in, they will fail! So yes, water pollution is a big concern.

With the dumps location over 20km from a major hwy trucks will contending for road space with farm equipment for 9 months of the year. They will also be contending with a multitude of school busses for 10 months of the year transporting both elementary aged school children and high school students. The company is proposing 100's of trucks per day arriving and departing the dump so yes this type of increase in traffic is very concerning to the community. Yes traffic pollution is a concern.
As I said this dump will destroy this town one way or the other. A company trying to use a 60 year old zoning bylaw to force this on a community is despicable. This application for a dump should be treated like an application for a new dump. The application should be rejected outright by it's proximity to Dresden and it's residence. No dump should ever be rubber stamped less than 1km to a town. No dump should be considered backing onto a creek and the Sydenham River. Letting a Toronto company destroy a town for their own profit would be a shame.