The proposal for the…


The proposal for the recycling facility and landfill would be detrimental to our town, waterways, air, plants, wildlife, economy, and health. The plan York1 is very clear. That being, start out small until everyone is comfortable with a recycling facility then expand to the largest mega dump. The amount land that they have purchased is quite indicative of this. They are proposing to swallow the surrounding homes and take prime farmland and destroy it for ever. Our precious farmland that feeds so many. The fresh water, home to so many species will be impacted. Mollys creek flowing to the Sydenham and further would all be negatively affected. The many trucks per day will cause havoc with our town and ruining roads. The list of why this area is not appropriate for York1 to develop is long. I am confident that the environmental assessment will prove that these proposals should be rejected.