The close proximity of this…


The close proximity of this site is of great concern to all residents in Dresden Ontario. The entire town is within 3.5km of the site, the site is within 1km from Dresden, 1.5km from the high school and 2.5km from the elementary school. The environmental impact is of great concern, the potential of water contamination is very high. Leachate could infiltrate our local water supply and can seep into our groundwater contaminating water wells of residence that surround this property. Runoff from the leachate will also pollute Molly’s Creek and the Sydenham River, Molly’s creek surrounds the prosed site and that feeds into the Sydenham river. The potential harm to the fish and mussel population is a significant threat. The Sydenham river has a diverse aquatic life and some species are not found anywhere else in Canada. The noise pollution for the constant operation of heavy machinery in addition to the increase of truck traffic will disrupt not only our community and our quality of life but it will also affect the peace and tranquility of the Sydenham river and the ecosystem. The health effects to the residents of our community is of great concern, our water supply can become contaminated, air quality will become poor and our overall quality of life will be affected. The increased traffic, the road wear and tear, noise and air pollution, agricultural impacts, environmental contamination, disruption to local businesses and economic uncertainty are all concerns that every Dresden resident has therefore the proposed waste facility should not open nor operate in the town of Dresden. There are other areas in Ontario that would have less impact to the surrounding areas and are not close to a small town nor important waterways.