I would like to express my…


I would like to express my concerns about this proposal. First of all, the site on Irish School road was a designated a landfill back in the 1970’s. At that time it was the town of Dresdens solution to disposing of the ash from the incinerator that was used for the towns trash. This site has not been used as a landfill in well over 30 years. Bill 197 forbids landfills from being created within 3.5km of a community. Dresden sits 1 km from this proposed site. York 1 is trying to create a landfill, stating they are only increasing the volume, however in reality they a starting up a new landfill within 3.5km from the town of Dresden. It’s not an existing landfill. Maybe it was a landfill for ash years ago, but it’s not now. They claim they are recycling and helping the environment. Tell me how driving 600 diesel fueled trucks from Toronto to Dresden every day is good for the environment? Also, how is it good for our roads? The distance from either the 401 or 402 highway is at least a 30 minute country road trip. Dresden really is in the middle of nowhere. Why would York 1 select this location for their landfill? Of wait, it’s easy if you can find an old landfill permit and completely turn a beautiful town upside down. Another concern I have is runoff. It rains, and sometimes it pours, and sometimes it floods. There is a creek that runs through this property. It’s called Mollys creek. It drains into the Sydenham River. The Sydenham River is a gem and is the home of many different species of wildlife and fish.
I could keep going but I’m sure lots of others from my community are bombarding this site with comments. Please turn down this proposal. My town is grasping at straws and praying this will be denied. If you lived in Dresden, would you want to have your house 125 meters from this location?