Please help our small town…


Please help our small town and farming community. York 1 found a loophole and wants to put a recycling transfer station just one km north of our town. I understand that these facilities are necessary and that York 1 will comply with every Environmental Regulation but this was simply a bad idea from them! They are buying up farmland around here like crazy and have big, long -term plans for this area. This is a small population, so to them, we don’t really matter.
The negatives far outweigh the positives. 1)Close proximity to our town 2)Close proximity to the Sydenham River Watershed 2) Potential endangerment to several plant and animal species at risk 3) Potential harm to our ground water and surface water 4) Potential harm to our soil and air quality and surrounding farmland 5) Up to 700 trucks per day driving to and from the site 6) Noise pollution 7) Property devaluation
They can simply go somewhere less invasive and potentially, irreversibly harmed. We need help with this situation.