This project should…


This project should absolutely NOT be going forward. This is going to set precedence for all small towns that had an incinerator 40 plus years ago. The MOECP has already communicated to York1 that this is not a proper location for a megadump. Chatham-Kent and Dawn-Euphemia have both made it clear the we are NOT WILLING HOSTS, bill 197 needs to be exercised. This is a New landfill, not the expansion of a new one. An expansion s the action of becoming larger or more extensive, this is not a landfill, it is not even full, so how can it be expanded??? This seems to be a loophole that needs to be fixed. This is unsafe for the residents of Dresden. The demolition materials will be a silica and asbestos cloud in the air 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, these are known to cause slilcosis and asbestosis. This is cruel and barbaric to place this facility within a 500m distance from Dresden. This needs to be minimum 3.5km from the town and science says that that is too close, 5 km is the minimum that science says is safe. If this happens in Dresden, it will happen in other towns as well. We deserve to have a safe place to live, clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. Period