Molly’s creek is an…


Molly’s creek is an environmentally significant area with many endangered creatures making it home. The dust and debris from the recycle material will make its way into the creek due to wind and other weather days like rain. The creek will take that same dust and debris out to the Thames river and then to Lake St Clair. I do not support this venture in its current location. Additionally the noise that will be created will impact the town. It is too close to the town and river. The local geographic area is currently saturated with dumps (petrolia, Watford, Bridgetown) so the people in Dresden understand the business. They may have embraced it, however this company was not transparent and did not talk to anyone prior to purchasing the land. If they did they may have not tried to put the dump in that location and instead buy land in an area away from the town and the creeks. The roadways near Dresden were not built to support the trucks the school board also has concerns.