With the red flags that have…


With the red flags that have been raised over this dump proposal it is hard to believe the Government has not already put an end to it. When applying Bill 197 this dump location does not meet the criteria for a dump. York1 trying to use 40 year old zoning bylaws and 40 year old criteria and regulations is just their way of thumbing their noses at the people in a community that was started in 1832. No town, especially one as historic as Dresden deserves to have a company come in from Toronto and be allowed to establish a dump with a few 100 meters of their town line. A full environmental assessment will without a doubt show that the location is not capable of sustaining a dump without killing a river, wetlands and the town of Dresden.
Saying this dump will kill the town of Dresden is not being overly dramatic. Without a proper buffer of at least 1.5km or 3.5 km's the town is destined to die, No one will want to move here property values will plummet. The tax base will plummet, the history of this town will be lost. The only history that will remain will be how it was killed.
The Wetlands surrounding Molly Creek which backs onto the property and feeds into the Sydenham River will be polluted by run off. Not only will the pollution take down the river and creeks but will adversely effect the wells in close proximity to the property which home owners close by use for their drinking water.
The smell coming from the requested 500 tonnes per year of putrescible material will attract rats and other will animals not currently in the area and with no buffer will in short order migrate during winter months to the homes a few hundred meters south of the property bringing disease and other issues for the residence to deal with.
The noise coming from the processing by crushing concrete with rebar will travel a great distance and will be a detriment to the residence of Dresden. The noise from hundreds of trucks a day weighing in at 40-50 tons delivering refuse from all over Ontario will also be a detriment to the residents of Dresden. The bull dozers and other heavy equipment servicing the dump will also create a noise level that will be a detriment to the residents. No body puts a dump this big so close to a populated area.
The air borne dust from asbestos and silica from construction materials will not settle in the dump area, it will move south and coat the town. The health issues with these products is well known and no residents deserve to be subject to type of pollutant. There needs to be a larger buffer from any town!
Without a full environmental assessment we won't know how the placement of this dump so close to our town will adversely effect the health of the river system and the residence who call Dresden home.
I have included a couple of pictures below of Molly's creek after the latest rain storm. Good luck containing the runoff.