Hello, I am a concerned…



I am a concerned citizen living in Dresden, ON.

York1's proposed amendments are alarming and, if permitted, would have grossly hazardous repercussions on the environment in our area.

York1 proposes to increase the facility size, raise the daily intake rate, process additional waste types, install buildings and equipment, and permit 24/7 operations. Some of our community's main concerns include:

- test drilling

-discharge from collection ponds into 2 Molly's Creek locations and 2 roadside ditches

-destruction of farmland and bordering conservation areas which are home to protected and endangered species

-harm to the Sydenham River which is home to at least 80 species of fish and 34 species of freshwater mussels

-destruction of spawning grounds

-increased risk of flooding

-harm to surrounding communities and roads

In the interest of the preservation of our community and it's surrounding environment, we ask that you deny York1's proposed amendments or, at the very least, require a full Environmental Assessment to be done.