I cannot believe the…


I cannot believe the Ministry of the Environment would even entertain the thoughts of putting York 1's MEGA DUMP less than 1km outside of Dresden Ontario. There is no positive side to this insane idea. The environmental impact to Molly's Creek and the Sydenham would be incredibly damaging to the endangered wildlife and quality of these water systems and beyond. The unsurmountable health risks to the surrounding communities is unthinkable, as quoted in many studies done on the adverse effects of living in close proximity to a MEGA DUMP. The excessive overload of traffic on our rural roads would be devastating to our infrastructure. I can not imagine anyone reading York 1's proposal and putting any amount of time doing their job of looking at the whole environmental impact allowing this to go through. There is no upside to this proposal. I am requesting you to use you sense of reason when evaluating this project. Thank you