I am writing at this time to…


I am writing at this time to register my complaint against having a dump located so close to Dresden On. especially without a Environmental Assessment.
This dump will have a negative impact against local residents and their quality of life. The polluting of ground water and the runoff from this dump will have a negative impact on those using wells in the area and the wildlife living in the area. This runoff will pollute not only Molly's Creek but also the Sydenham river. We also do not believe the clay liner indicated by York1 is suitable to contain the leaching of water from the property into ground water. Even though a buffer may be supplied on 3 sides of the property, Molly's Creek is on the 4th side and I cannot believe a water way would be a suitable buffer against the polluting effects of the proponents usage of the property.
I do not believe the owner has been up front and forthright about the usage, that they are proposing for the property. To be this close to a town there has to be 100% trust between the residents and the company overseeing such a facility and York1 has shown no interest in informing or being honest with the community. The company has never posted their intent or advised the community that changes were being sought for the property. When questioned, their story has changed many times and on multiple occasions they have deceived the community with their explanations.
The community has concerns that need to be addressed which include noise pollution, traffic control, air pollution, water pollution and the visual impact of the property becoming a mega dump. Without a full Environmental Assessment these concerns will not be addressed.