Hello, Thank you for making…



Thank you for making this open to public to comment. With everything we know about landfills and the health dangers it has. This should not be able to be less than 1 km from a town. Or should be no closer than 5km.

This landfill is using decades old zoning in a tiny area of the property. This area was used to bury ash. It is not zoned to bring in the products and hazardous waste, contaminated soil as York 1 wishes.

The Sydenham river has multiple species at risk. Having these contaminated waste being able to leach into the river is a must not. Some of the species are only found in the Sydenham in all of Canada. The consequences of this proposal are not reversible and poses too large of an environmental risk.

The families and schools in the area are too close to have this potential health risk affect so many families and children.

The roads are not built for so much traffic as well. Dresden is Sourounded by farm land and tractors most of the year.

The farm land this site will destroy and the farm land around it can easily become contaminated. Such precious resources should not be lost.

Some of the best farm land in Ontario lost.
Local businesses and events losing visitors.
Families at risk.
Children’s health being compromised.
Fisheries and species forgotten.

All this for something that wouldn’t be allowed to go through anyways if it was a “new landfill”.

Everything about what they want to bring in and expand is new.

What is not knew is that dangerous and risks that we know about landfills and how close they should be to a town.