Toronto and area's trash can…


Toronto and area's trash can stay in the area of Toronto. This dump will not bring many well paying jobs to the are, most truckers will be from Bramladesh and fresh off the boat working for less than minimum wage. The local roads are in dilapidated condition as it is and is beyond capacity volume wise. York1 is a corporation of liars (same could be said of governments at all levels too); environmental concerns have in no way been adequately addressed. Local infrastructure upgrades arent even in the planning stages yet to deal with the increased heavy vehicle traffic. Is the government or York1 going to shell out to build Hwy out to a 4lane controlled access freeway made out of concrete? No, widening isnt even likely to be considered for another 50 years.

Dont want a garbage dump taking up "valuable real estate" in the gta? Build an incinerator.