This is an absolute…


This is an absolute disregard to the health, and welfare of the community of Dresden. York1 knows the hazards that are contained in the amount of waste they are looking to commute to our area, and get it away from there own community.
We are a small town of about 2600 people, small but mighty! We do not want, or need York1 to bring their jobs to our town!
Too much speculation about the "greased palms" of the people we had trusted our community to.
We need an environmental assessment to prove the dangers that this establishment will bring.
Our children deserve the clean air, quiet town and streets. Our elderly deserve the same. And dam it, we all deserve the right to clean air, quiet town and quiet streets that we have invested our time and money into.
The run off into our river will kill off horticultural and aquatic species that are native to our location. It will poison the food chain, including the fish we catch and eat.
Why should we be subject to this monstrosity and have to deal with the smell and air pollution, not only from the dump but from the numerous trucks to come through our town.
Enough is enough!
We as a community will stand and fight as a unit...but why is it even a question.....why should we have to.
There is only one solution to this problem and that is to stop it in its track!