YORK1’s regenerative…


YORK1’s regenerative recycling facility should not be designated, by regulation, as a project to which the Environmental Assessment Act (the “EAA”) applies because none of the regulatory criteria require a comprehensive environmental assessment for any aspect of the YORK1 project.

XCG, A Division of Trace Associates Inc. has been working on this project with the MECP on behalf of YORK1 since 2021. The MECP outlined the process through which YORK1 could acquire the Dresden property and construct the proposed recycling / transfer facility and remediate the landfill. The MECP was clear that a comprehensive environmental assessment was not required, only amendments to the existing ECAs were required. The MECP outlined that a screening level environmental assessment would be required if a change in service area was sought, but once again, no comprehensive environmental assessment would be required.

YORK1’s proposal is aligned with provincial priorities. Waste management is included in the Province of Ontario policy regarding infrastructure and public services. The Province of Ontario is running out of landfill capacity with no long-term strategy in sight. YORK1’s proposal provides for the re-use of existing landfill capacity which prevents the need for the creation of new landfill space, and conserves existing landfill capacity by focusing on recycling and beneficial reuse of materials and soil. YORK1 has shown leadership throughout this process as well as a willingness to work with the MECP and local stakeholders. To impose a comprehensive Environmental Assessment on the project, at this time, would set a precedent for similar infrastructure projects and governments in the future. This precedent could impact infrastructure investment and future generations to come.