This proposal is taking…


This proposal is taking advantage of a dormant, no longer used dump with a permit granted almost 45 years ago. York1 has targeted our small community and this location to get around new laws and requirements and take advantage of old, outdated permits. The purpose of that permit was never to host a facility like the one proposed. Our community should not be subjected to this facility based on a technicality or grandfathered permit process. This facility is only 1 km from our small town, it should NEVER be permitted that close to a community.

York1’s facility will negatively affect not only my community of Dresden, but also many other small towns its trucks will need to pass through on its way to and from this facility. Our roads are not made for that kind of traffic, and the tax payers in these communities will not be able to maintain these roads more in response to the increase of traffic this facility would bring. This significant increase in truck traffic would also have a negative impact on pollution in our area. Our community (and many around us) is primarily farm and agriculture based, meaning our roads are used for a lot of slow moving and large vehicles/machinery, which poses a significant safety concern for our farmers and residents operating on these roads with such a huge increase of large fast moving trucks carrying full loads. These trucks would also be driving through many school zones along the way, passing schools and crosswalks our children use every day. Dresden only has 1 main road through town, our community was not made to support 700 trucks driving through town per day.

Our community is also very much concerned about our waterways, and York1’s plan to use Mollys creek for drainage, which drains into the Sydenham. Both of these waterways should be protected, as they are the home of endangered species. Our waterways should not be contaminated by York1’s discharge.