The site York1 is scheming…


The site York1 is scheming to put less than 1km from Dresden needs at least an EA. The fact that this site IS NOT safe and a health,environmental and safety hazzard to everyone who lives in Dresden,makes it inconceivable.

All landfills,even according to environmental safety laws and studies must be MORE THAN 3.5km from residents. Why should this landfill of York 1s be able to advance with this data alone being ignored? Especially when it is easily deciphered York1 wants this eyesore to expand far beyond their first proposals.

Why is our small town being taken advantage of when this is a city problem and forced on us unwillingly??

What makes York1 able to ignore health and safety rules and be able to try and pass EROS before the town is even aware of their intentions? Why is York 1 able to be dishonest and try to use information and bylaws-permits that haven’t been active for years. Why is York 1able to make it look like this was a recent used site for garbage and the town is fine with it.

Dresden residents do not want this landfill near their town. We do not want York 1s leachate and any other waste materials, and risk of flooding to run off into our ditches creeks, & the Sydenham River. We are a strong community that values what we have built over many years. We fear for our health, safety, land, endangered species and economy, that all will be greatly distressed.

Dresden doesn’t want the detrimental traffic that will cause damage to our roads and safety issues with our children’s bus routes daily.

This landfill will cause issues, noise and air pollution, on top of tolerating all the substandard and misleading information our town has been presented with.

Please help halt bringing GTA garbage with York1s landfill that our town cannot withstand.