Stefan Szeder - Licence for a forest resource processing facility

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Type d'acte: Licence for a forest resource processing facility

Numéro du REO
Type d'avis
Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994
Affiché par
Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Étape de l'avis
Décision publiée
Période de consultation
Du 23 février 2022 au 25 mars 2022 (30 jours) Fermé
Dernière mise à jour

Cette consultation a eu lieu :

du 23 février 2022
au 25 mars 2022

Résumé de la décision

Approval was granted to Stefan Szeder to establish and operate a wood fibre by-product facility on the site of the former Barwick Peat Plant near Barwick, Ontario.

Détails de l'emplacement

Détails de l'emplacement du site

District of Rainy River

36 Queen’s Street, Barwick, Ontario




Stefan Szeder
Emo, ON
P0W 1E0

Détails de la décision

On August 23, 2022 the Ministry made a decision to issue a forest resource processing facility licence to Stefan Szeder.

The Ministry assessed that Stefan Szeder provided the Ministry with an acceptable business plan and an acceptable wood supply analysis for the purposes of facility licencing.

A type “K” forest resource processing facility licence was issued and valid for two years - until March 31, 2024 for Stefan Szeder to construct and operation a facility near Barwick, Ontario.

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MNRF - FID - Forest Industry Unit

Roberta Bondar Pl Suite 400
70 Foster
Sault Ste Marie, ON
P6A 6V5

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Suivre cet avis

Proposition initiale

Numéro du REO
Type d'avis
Crown Forest Sustainability Act, 1994
Affiché par
Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry
Proposition affichée

Période de consultation

23 février 2022 - 25 mars 2022 (30 days)

Détails de la proposition

Description of instrument

The Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry is considering the issuance of a type “K” forest resource processing facility licence to authorize the establishment and operation of a forest resource processing facility.  Under Ontario Regulation 167/95 under the Crown Forest Sustainability Act, a type “K” licence is issued for an “Other Wood Fibre Product Facility” which will consume more than 5,000 cubic metres per year (m3/yr).  Typical products include lumber, sawdust, bark, by-product chips, etc.  A forest resource processing facility licence may be issued for a term of up to 5 years.

Other information

Stefan Szeder, sole proprietor, has submitted a proposal to establish and operate a wood fibre by-product facility.  The facility is to be constructed on the site of the former Barwick Peat Plant near Barwick, Ontario. The proposal involves the re-construction and operation of a processing facility which will include equipment necessary for receiving fibre, debarking, sawing, drying, chipping/creating shavings, mulching, packaging/bagging, and shipping bags of primarily wood shavings. 

The proponent is proposing to consume Crown forest resources.  Harvesting of forest resources in a Crown forest will be conducted in accordance with approved Forest Management Plans.  Harvesting of trees reserved to the Crown on patented or privately-owned lands will be conducted in accordance with a licence to Harvest granted under Ontario Regulation 167/95.

The processing facility is expected to produce 50,000 m3/yr of shavings, bark and peat product and lumber annually for the commodity market in North America, primarily the pet and garden supply market.  The planned annual fibre supply for the sawmill is approximately 17,500 m3/yr of cedar, black spruce, white and red pine and balsam fir.  The wood supply for the sawmill will be acquired on the open market primarily from Boundary Waters Forest through licences held by Boundary Waters Forest Management Corp.  Upon its completion, the sawmill is expected to have up to 8 direct employees. This facility will use by-products that are often unutilized and therefore will assist in maximizing wood utilization and sustainability.

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NDMNRF – FID – Forestry Industry Unit

Roberta Bondar Place
70 Foster Drive, Suite 400
Sault Ste Marie, ON
P6A 6V5


La consultation est maintenant terminée.

Cette consultation a eu lieu 23 février 2022
au 25 mars 2022

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