I am in full support of a stricter and more structured penalty system for the failure to submit mandatory hunter reports. The completion of these reports is a simple task that can be done in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, there are numerous reminders, whether through emails, on social media or in the regulation summary (both digital and print copy). If hunters are capable of remembering to purchase licences and enter tag draws by a predetermined date, they are more than capable to complete a mandatory report within 14 days of the season ending.
In addition to the mandatory season end hunter reports, I would like to begin to see the implementation of a more "live" harvest report through the creation and use of an App like many of the U.S. States have implemented. The included information would be outdoors card number, sex/age/size of species harvested (doe, fawn, calf, bull etc...) and more specific detail location such as the township in which the animal was harvested rather than just the WMU. The report should need to be completed with so many hours of harvest. I understand that cellular service is a bit of an issues in many northern parts of the province, however the App could store your information and timestamp the date completed and then it can be sent once signal is found.
Submitted August 21, 2024 10:52 AM
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Graduated financial penalties for failing to submit mandatory hunter reports
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