I believe it is my…

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I believe it is my responsibility as a grandfather to oppose this cancellation since scientific evidence shows that if we act the average daily temperature will rise leading to more destructive weather pattern resulting in more flooding in some cases and more extensive fire in others. These will result in more expenses for the public and more emergency funds distributed by governments.
Preventive measures are required. Only when governments take a leadership roll will businesses and the public change. The present government is abdicating it's responsibility for short term gain. When businesses were required to pay a fee based on there safety record (they paid more when there were more incidents) they realised that having a safer environment that their costs went down! There are other benefits to businesses when they take environmental action ( i.e. reducing waste, more fuel efficient transport). The public also benefits with less health costs and better health when the air quality and water quality improve. We pay when employed a fee or is it a tax to ensure that if we are terminated or laid off that we have money to replace our income . The same is when we retire.
Planning ahead is an insurance against difficulties ahead. When will politicians stop putting off what is needed to ensure a good outcome for future generations?