Hello, There are so many…

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There are so many reasons why bike lanes are important, vital pieces of infrastructure in our cities.
It has been proven time and time again that bike lanes help to reduce congestion and greenhouses gases. They also save lives. I have no doubt in my mind that removing bike lanes will result in deaths and this government will be blamed for them.
Bike lanes are also an affordable transportation option in this high cost of living city. Personal vehicles are simply unaffordable for the majority of people.

By encouraging more people to drive, we will be worsening traffic congestion and will not have solved the issue of traffic. Expanding bike lanes offers an opportunity to break this cycle by encouraging more people to use alternative modes of transport, thereby reducing overall congestion and improving the flow of traffic for everyone.

I live in an area of Toronto with no convenient access to rapid transit. Luckily, I have a separated bike lane near my house that I can take to bike to the subway. I would never bike to the subway without this bike lane as the traffic moves too quickly and would be incredibly dangerous.