I'm very disappointed by and…

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I'm very disappointed by and in strong opposition to the direction the administration is choosing to go on this issue. Giving people direct and safe ways to bike around instead of driving is one of the few ways to actually address the root causes of traffic congestion. Focusing on removing alternatives to driving will not improve congestion. When bike routes are unsafe (no protected lanes) or made significantly longer unnecessarily (moving bike lanes to side streets only) less people will choose to bike and more people that choose to cycle will die. These effects will ensure that more people choose to drive directly resulting in more cars on the road increasing traffic congestion. This has been studied thoroughly all over the globe and, for the current administration to blatantly disregard the data and decide that "welp if it hasn't worked anywhere else surely it'll work here" demonstrates their lack of vision for the future of this province and utter contempt for the working people of Ontario. As an aside exempting highways from environmental assessments is also a very short sighted and crude choice. As a young working professional who enjoys the health benefits of biking to and from work this policy choice really makes me question my future in this province.