Bike lanes do NOT create…

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Bike lanes do NOT create gridlock! In fact, evidence shows they reduce gridlock as more people use cycles to get around. It's common sense and you don't need a PhD to figure that out.

We should encourage more people to cycle by providing a safe space, separated from vehicle traffic, for them to travel across town.

Adding more red tape, reducing bike safety and travel routes for cyclists will actually increase gridlock, cost more money and lives.

The provincial government needs to focus on improving its own performance and competence, and stop interfering and bullying Municipal governments with these distraction techniques and petty gimmicks.

For example, how's your 'Highway under Toronto' project going? Plenty of consulting fees, over inflated construction costs and more deficit spending on the way for Ontarians to pay for, eh?

Or should the Provincial government just keep building expensive roads for construction businesses, instead of building and improving alternative means of transport? Maybe, one day, they will understand where gridlock comes from.

Judging by Provincial debt levels, deficit spending, and regressive policies, the Provincial government has no right to tell anyone what or how to do anything.