This government should absolutely not move forward with this bill until it has provided thorough evidence that this will, in fact, reduce gridlock, motor vehicle deaths, sustainability etc. Even then, that would be a huge waste of time and resources since a plethora of studies already exists proving that removing bike lanes would do the opposite. More importantly, the government should absolutely not be interfering with municipal decisions on this level. This will create MORE red tape, something this government seems to pride itself on cutting.
Seeing as how this government likes to operate based on anecdotes, I will also provide anecdotal evidence from my own life. This year alone at least three of my friends have been struck by vehicles while on their bicycles, most of which happened along the corridors the government is suggesting be removed. These are routes that cannot be easily substituted by "side street" routes (take pretty much any section of Bloor street for example) and will continue to be used by bicycles after the removal of protected lanes.
Of course, I do not support any government that introduces legislation that is not rooted in evidence. Something that this government has showcased time and time again.
Let's save money. Let's protect our vulnerable road users. Let's ensure we are handing down a cleaner environment to the next generation. Let's follow the science and studies that many have already put effort into.
Submitted November 1, 2024 12:20 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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