This attack on bike lanes…

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This attack on bike lanes and particularly the proposal to remove bike lanes from Toronto streets is not supported by evidence (both local and international) of value to the environment, to enhanced mobility goals for all road users, to health and safety benefits for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers and to the economic benefits of enhancing the business environment along streets in the city core.

The removal and restriction of bike lanes does not address the two primary causes of congestion for vehicle drivers:

1.Too many vehicles in the core and too few alternatives to replace private vehicles, (particularly single occupant vehicle) - particularly the lack of adequate and comfortable public transit and transit priority routes to move people through the core,

2, The congestive effect of allowing developers and infrastructure projects to occupy vehicle, bike and pedestrian lanes. Cities such as Tokyo, for example, require all construction and staging, including high rise construction on tight lots, to be conducted within the property line of the development - with sidewalk and lanes closures only allowed for short periods (hours) and usually at night. The province should be seriously considering regulating the construction industry to prevent the far more disruptive practice/entitlement that has clogged Toronto streets.

Removal and restriction of bike lanes will reverse the kind of successful rebalancing of road space for all users and all taxpayers and have detrimental effects on the safety of both cyclists and pedestrians.

A serious study of strategies to improve overall mobility along with a commitment to implement strategies that have demonstrated effectiveness should be leading this initiative.

The proposed regulation should be shelved until a thorough study, informed by independent transportation expertise and input from municipalities and public stakeholders.

Finally this is not the kind of planner that should be undertaken by the province. There is a reason why these types of planning decisions are normally left to Municipalities. They are in the best position to understand and balance the needs of their residents. It is wasteful and wrongheaded for the province to think it can effectively step into that role.