My wife and I live right off Bloor Street near Jane St., so are directly impacted by the Bloor bike lanes. I cannnot believe that one would even cosider ripping up these lanes. They provide a vital safety element for bike users and also slow the traffic down at a very dangerous intersection for pedestrians at Bloor and the South Kingsway. My wife actually bought a bike this summer in order to ride to her gym. She would not have done that if she was going to have to ride in mixed traffic. Removing the Bloor bike lanes would make her purchase useless. We should be encouraging the option of safe modes of transit OTHER THAN CARS. There are subway lines under Bloor Street. If congestion is a problem for drivers, they have the option of using public transit (or the bike lane). This proposed bill is the exact oposite of what we should be doing. The solution to too many cars is not to make driving easier.
Submitted November 3, 2024 12:29 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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