i do not support this legislation. bike lanes help reduce car congestion by reducing the number of cars.
from thebikinglawyer web site I noted that:
" lanes:
EMS vehicles are not delayed by bike lanes in getting folks to emergency rooms as confirmed by the City of Toronto’s EMS leads.
There is not a petition of 50,000 people against the bike lanes on Bloor. It’s more like 13,000 who’ve signed over several years now and Cycle Toronto’s petition in support of bike lanes is approaching that number in just weeks.
Bike lanes are good for business! They boost sales in areas they are installed, attract higher spending clientele, can increase property values, and even attract talented work forces.
Bike lanes do not increase congestion, they move people around more efficiently, create safer driving routes (less collisions, less congestion), and get people out of single occupancy motor vehicle, which actually are the cause of congestion.
Side streets are not the answer. Unconnected segments of bike lanes that force cyclists to take circuitous routes on various side streets will not encourage people to get out of their cars and onto bikes;
Though facts should prevail, as lawyers for injured cyclists across Ontario, we are deeply concerned about the Premier and Ontario PC government’s floated plans to attack people on bikes through legislation halting bike lane development.
As people on bikes this year have been killed in staggering numbers, it seems odd and we suspect painful for the loved ones of those lost, to hear of plans to decrease cyclist safety rather than plans from the government to increase penalties for those that kill and maim on our roads [Vulnerable Road User Legislation].
In just one month’s time, we have seen cyclists killed in Belleville, Toronto, Guelph, Elora area, and Niagara. This is to say nothing of the many pedestrians and motorist killed and injured across the province each week.
Why then attack bike lanes and the Ontarians that use them? "
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Submitted November 4, 2024 12:17 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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