The provincial overreach into, not even just municipal politics, but the witch hunt the premier has on Toronto, is a complete waste of taxpayer dollars, time and past efforts.
I am a driver, a cyclist and a pedestrian. I believe there should be FEWER cars in the city, MORE bikes and those bikes should not be on the sidewalk. As someone with a small child who had to push a stroller on cramped sidewalks, alongside bikes, ebikes, motorized scooters, and more during almost a year long street construction, it is not only a nuisance, but it’s dangerous. I had our stroller clipped, I’ve had to quickly dive out of the way, and I’ve been forced to wait while a long line of vehicles that belong on the road passed me by. Removing bike lanes will force these vehicles to either unsafely use the roads where they don’t have a dedicated lane, or unsafely use sidewalks, putting pedestrians, especially less agile ones like the elderly and children, at risk.
That’s not even mentioning the environment, since I know the current Ontario government does not give a shit about.
The solution is better public transit, more bike lanes (that are standardized and regulated) and fewer cars. As well as education for both drivers and cyclists on how to properly share the road.
This government does nothing but pander to Doug’s rich suburban GTA buddies who need to drive their Lexuses to Bay Street. Worry about our healthcare and education or there won’t be anyone left to use all these roads Ford cares so much about.
Submitted November 6, 2024 10:25 AM
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Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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