Roads were not made for cars…

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Roads were not made for cars, they were made for everybody. Our cit y needs fewer cars and MORE OPTIONS. Every bike on the road is one less car. People will only start using biked when bike lanes are built, and lots of them, all connected. Right now bike there are little bits and pieces, THGIS is why people are not using them as much as they should. Stay the course, keep building bike lanes and people will use them. Maybe not now, but when bike lanes are the norm and people realize that they are faster than driving, we will become a bike city, like Montreal, Vancouver….
Last point, All these roads that bike lanes are “taking a lane” are double lanes, and from my experience living in the city, one driver stoppped to “dash into a store", one Fedex vehicle, one police car, one Rogers van, one Hydro van (you get the idea), and it’s a one-lane road. These vehicles can stop if there’s a bike lane and stopping spaces (which are narrower than a live lane). NONE OF THESE roads are true 2—lane roads, there’s always someone stopped. Let’s top the frustration and have one live lane, a stopping zone and a bike lane. Please.
Oh, and stop the dictatorship, the pandering to drivers for votes, appeasing 905-ers in the 416, the province meddling in local affairs. I Know Mr Ford has a different vision, but this isn’t his sandbox.