I do not support Bill 212 because it 1) is a waste of money 2) is not based on fact 3) as a driver I prefer them 4) when I do bike, I prefer them 5) seems like an overstep of the provincial government 6) is not a priority for the people of Ontario.
1) the biking infrastructure is already in place, at a great expense to the taxpayer. Ripping them out is a step backwards and a huge waste of money. Money that could be better spent fixing the backlog in fixing our schools, addressing the huge short falls in healthcare or better providing for our colleges and universities. Really spending the money on almost anything would be better.
2) Bike lanes do not cause congestion. There is so much evidence saying other wise. The provincial government has provided no evidence showing that they do cause congestion other than a "feeling" some frustrated drivers have while sitting in traffic - which is caused by the province not having enough other transportation measures to move people around (including bike lanes!). Here are some examples:
3) When I drive, I feel safer when cyclists are in bike lanes or even better in protected bike lanes. This is because I can clearly see where I belong vs. where the cyclists belong and I don't feel as concerned about a potential collision. On streets where there is no bike lane, it is harder to tell if I am giving cyclists enough space, cars need to slow down and wait for a chance to pass (causing congestion). If you remove the bike lanes, you will not remove the cyclists, they will just move to an active lane. That doesn't do anything to improve congestion
4) As a cyclists, it is uncomfortable and less safe to bike on streets without bike lanes. Safety of all road users needs to be taken into account in this decision.
5) Why is the PROVINCIAL government so concerned with matters that are clearly at the MUNICIPAL level? Citizens of different cities have elected their municipal leaders to run their cities. The citizens elected the provincial government to run the province. It should be up to municipalities to decide where and when to add bike lanes or to remove them. Why is the government so clearly overstepping their bounds?
6) This is not a priority for the people of Ontario. Addressing congestion yes, it is. But there is ZERO evidence that this will help, yet there are evidence based solutions available. Why is the government ignoring those? Do better!
Submitted November 12, 2024 10:56 AM
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Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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