Bike lanes are an important alternative mode of transit in a very busy city like Toronto. I bike from as my primary form of getting around. The proposals in this bill will mean I am less safe on the roads. I worry it will increase drivers’ feeling of entitlement to the road, jeopardizing safety of me and all other cyclists.
Further, the data used to justify the removal or need for approval of bike lanes is not clear. It appears the province used old and inaccurate data. Other data I have seen supports the need for more bike lanes, not less, and shows a significant increase in usage of bike lanes over time.
The province must know about induced demand. These decisions will do nothing to improve vehicle congestion in this city. But it will significantly and negatively impact many cyclists safety and accessibility.
I do not support the spending of tax payer dollars on this endeavour. This is a waste of money, time and public service resources. I am ashamed of our provincial government in this matter.
Please work with the city and reconsider these proposals.
Submitted November 15, 2024 6:32 PM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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