I do not support the removal of bike lanes in Toronto for the following reasons:
Bike lanes are used by individuals to for various reasons such as commuting, going to school, shopping, social trips, and so on...
These bike lanes provide people with an alternative to driving, and therefore, take cars off the road which reduces congestion. Adding more lanes for cars is not going to relieve congestion due to induced demand.
Relocating the bike lanes to side streets is going to significantly lengthen the journey for cyclists, while making it more dangerous due to the significant right and left turns. The city has suffered through more than enough cyclist deaths.
Additionally, the numbers used by the ministry to justify the removal (1.2% of people cycle to work) are misleading - this data is from 2011 (over 10 years ago), and includes suburban areas of Toronto where biking is not commonly used to as a primary mode of transportation.
Please take a look at the scientific research I included in the supporting links.
This also sets a precedent of the province interfering in municipal matters.
Lastly, as a taxpayer, I believe the money allocated to remove the bike lanes (especially
the ones that have just been installed) is better invested elsewhere such as transit,
healthcare, or education.
I also do not support the changes to the rules around environmental assessments - especially
for new highways.
Submitted November 18, 2024 11:24 AM
Comment on
Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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