The Ford governments plan to…

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The Ford governments plan to remove bike lanes on Bloor Street, University Avenue and Yonge street is an outrageous and unnecessary overstep of Privincial authority. Furthermore, the plan to require provincial approval for municpalities to install bike lanes is equally misguided. The planned legislation will result in more deaths and disabilities for cyclists. Is that something Doug Ford thinks is a good idea?

A sensible approach, and one that was working well is to let local governments plan an implement safe, effective cycling infrastructure which must include dedicated lanes on arterial roads.
Cars and trucks are certainly valid means of transport, but they are not the only game in town.

It would be a sensible and productive policy to support, not hinder, dedicated bike lanes and cycling infrastructure.

The Ford governments attack on cycling is just wrong, and a disappointment.

Instead, why don’t you go after Metrolinx and Phil Verster for some accountability regarding the failure to deliver what is years overdue and $billions over budget.