I am deeply appalled by the…

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I am deeply appalled by the provinces Bill 212 to remove sections of bike lanes in Toronto.

This shows a:
-Lack of stewardship of taxpayer dollars - The 48 Million to remove the bike lanes is just the tip of the iceberg. The provinces consistent focus on issues that do not advance the betterment of communities demonstrates a lack of effective leadership and avoidance in truly dealing with the issues faced by Ontarians while spending taxpayer time and money on initiatives that have benefits for a small group of wealthy stakeholders. This is reminding me of the greenbelt fiasco - how much public money has been spent to enrich a few developers at the expense of people and the environment? This is not only the hard costs but think about the staff time and the opportunity cost of not addressing critically important issues.
-Complete disregard for public safety - Research has shown that bike lanes protect individuals
-Complete disregard for the climate crisis we are in - Active transport in an urban environment is critical to transitioning to a sustainable, socially just city