Please review relevant data…

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Please review relevant data. Not stale data from 2011 that cites 1.2% of people commute via bicycle.

Toronto continues to densify and we require diverse methods of transit to get around our city.

Not everyone can use a car, we don't have the space. Not everyone can use public transit, we don't have the infrastructure. And not everyone can cycle, for a variety of reasons. It isn't realistic to expect everyone to rely on one single method, so please stop catering to motorists. It's obvious they're the biggest voting block.

Cyclists aren't asking to ban cars. This isn't a "war on cars". Methods of transit shouldn't be politicized and people's lives and safety shouldn't be up for debate. This is sad on so many levels. Toronto is going to become a city in decline and neither Ontario not Canada can afford that when Toronto makes up 50% and 20% of GDP respectively.