Removing bike lanes in…

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Removing bike lanes in Toronto would be a bad idea. I have been cycling in this city for over thirty years, and I use the bike lanes as much as I can every time I ride. Over the past three decades I have noticed a substantial change in the way motorists in the city drive. When it comes to the roads, this is no longer "Toronto The Good". There is a lot more hostility and aggression out there. I'm sure it's no secret that bike lanes keep everyone safer. Before the lanes went in, I felt like I was taking my life in my hands every time I got on my bike. Now I can get to most of the places I want to go to in a dedicated bike lane and it has made my commuting safer and a much more pleasant experience. My nephews were here from overseas this summer and they used the bike-share stations to get from one end of the city to the other on numerous occasions during their visit. They absolutely loved the bike lanes as I'm sure many visitors to Toronto do. Even people from Montreal think the bike lane system in Toronto is terrific, and they have had a fabulous network of bike lanes for decades now. From every point of view, bike lanes make good sense: they encourage people to be active, which is good for their health, they encourage less driving which is good for traffic, and the more people that ride instead of drive, the better it is for the environment. Rather than taking bike lanes away, more should be added as far as I'm concerned.