I am 68 years old and live…

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I am 68 years old and live in west downtown Toronto. I do not own a car and have a very modest pension. I use my bike most of the year to get around, save money, get exercise, and reduce my carbon footprint. I particularly use the Bloor bike lanes but also many others, including the Yonge and University ones. I don't feel safe riding in traffic but do feel safe using bike lanes and do not understand why the Ontario government would prioritize a few minutes of commuters' time over the lives of cyclists like me. Bike lanes have made a huge difference to my quality of life.

From what I've read, research does not support the contention that bike lanes significantly slow traffic or reduce business for business owners along their routes. Bicyclists have a right to use major streets and to do so safely.

Why, when reducing carbon emissions is necessary for all future life, would the Ontario government penalize those whose transportation choices don't contribute to climate change over drivers who do? Why not facilitate ride-sharing, car-pooling, and use of public transit instead? Please do not encourage even more driving, particularly when most cars have only one occupant per vehicle.