The irony of a billed coined the "Saving Your Time Act" is not lost on Torontonians when, the reality is lives will be sacrificed in order to do so. 2024 is already the deadliest year on record for cyclists in Toronto. Bill 212 will thwart Toronto’s goals in achieving TransformTO and VisionZero. It is a clear overstep from the provincial government and a distraction from the issues of healthcare, education and the housing market that are going unaddressed. This is not just about Toronto however, the smaller municipalities will face the brunt of this decision without the same pushback or organizing in place.
Why, on the hottest year on record with the climate crisis and with the cost of living choking out so many Canadians are we choosing to make a car the best option of transport? This is not a fight between drivers and cyclists or pedestrians and drivers this is a fight between life and death.
There is no strong evidence to suggest this bill will solve congestion nor a plan for the provincial government to address the issue beyond this. Cyclists will be forced into the lanes with cars, adding to congestion and putting lives in danger. You have to answer to the family and friends of the thousands of pedestrians and cyclists killed in collisions in Ontario all whose preventable deaths will be repeated with this legislation.
Submitted November 20, 2024 12:00 PM
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Bill 212 - Reducing Gridlock, Saving You Time Act, 2024 - Framework for bike lanes that require removal of a traffic lane.
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