Dear Staff, I have been…

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Dear Staff,

I have been following Bill 66 with great interest.

Bill 66 would pave the way for a municipal council to pass “open for business” by-laws. As proposed, these by-laws would allow industrial or large commercial developments, which would employee 50 or more people, to bypass sections of several legislative Acts.

The bypassing of the Planning Act and Clean Water Act, appear to be particularly problematic in both the short term and long term.

Regarding the Planning Act, it appears these “open for business” by-laws would allow a local council to approve a development without the required public consultation process. In addition, a council could also bypass the Provincial Policy Statements for which all development in Ontario is required to adhere.

Regarding the Clean Water Act, it appears these by-laws would potentially allow for a municipal council to not have regard for source water protection.

Please think of out next generations.

Thank you for your time and your continued service.
