Some Concerns with the…


Some Concerns with the Schedule 5: Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks:

The third bullet is concerning;

•See "Planning and reporting changes under the toxics reduction program and Ontario Regulation 455/09"

I found the page about what the re-appeal would be doing with regards to this bullet.

1) No longer require facilities with existing toxics reduction plans to conduct reviews of those plans

My Comment:
Who would review their toxic reduction plans if they are not expected to? Would the plans be reviewed at all? I do not think toxic facilities should get to "choose toxic reduction options" Theses policies should be enforced, by environmental agencies to streamline plans, across all facilities.

2) Exempt certain facilities from all future planning and reporting obligations for certain

My Comment:
What substances would be exempt from reporting? If facilities do not report certain expect substances, would those substances be abused and overused? and therefore more in the natural environment?

3) Maintain annual reporting obligations for facilities with existing plans

My Comment:
What about facilities without plans?