I strongly oppose Bill 66;…

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I strongly oppose Bill 66; specifically the proposed gutting of environmental and planning requirements that protect the health and integrity of Ontario and our environment. Doug Ford pledged not to open the Greenbelt for development during the campaign but his government is now creating a tool for municipalities to do just that, under the vague promise of 'open for business'. Ontarians died in Walkerton and the provisions of the Clean Water Act were intended to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. Why allow anyone to bypass these requirement? Let along for arguable private benefit? This is shortsighted and stupid. Every environmental and planning regulation listed for exemption under this tool is in place for good reason; to protect the health and future viability of this province, its people and its ecosystems. If this policy framework is perceived to be too onerous for the the private sector than the province could invest in better education, facilitation tools or other means of helping 'business' play by the rules, rather than allow municipalities to trade local 'gain' for our collective future.