Development in Ontario has…

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Development in Ontario has not suffered because of the current Endangered Species Act. The Ontario Government’s unquenchable thirst for development will undoubtedly harm the at risk and endangered species of Ontario if changes are allowed to be made. As someone in the environmemtal science field, it appalls me that our government is willing to throw away the decades of hard work conservationists and ecologists have put into protecting species, all for a few extra bucks in the greedy pockets of Conservative leaders. The Ontario PCs have done enough damage to the environment as it is, and Ontarians will not stand for this reckless and irresponsible behaviour. Experts in the environmental field all agree that the habitats of endangered and at risk species NEED to be protected. Getting all of your input from farmers and developers on this is like asking criminals what laws we should scrap instead of lawyers or judges; or for a more relevant example, asking oil companies and other polluters how environmental legislation should be made. It’s shameful to see greed and wilful ignorance blinding our government’s judgement. Listen to the experts and scientists who devote their lives to researching and protecting our endangered species, and our environment as a whole.