“The Ontario Endangered…

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“The Ontario Endangered Species Act is a last line of defence against extinction in an era that scientists have termed the sixth mass extinction on the planet.” - CWF

It is our responsibility and in our power to ensure we develop and uphold regulations, policies and programs that make conservation of species at risk the priority.

Building further holes in the Endagered Species Act to allow businesses and industry exemptions that negatively impact species at risk should NOT be allowed!

It is a fact that our progress is negatively impacting nature, as shown through our own Endagngered Species List. With the help of Nature, Wildlife and Conservation authorities/scientists and experts, our Endangered Species Act needs to reflect plans that understand the best ways to develop and protect areas to not only prevent extinction but to help species thrive in their natural habitats.

We can do this, we are capable of thinking of ways to help protect our natural environment and keep our wildlife safe.