RE: ERO# 013-4143 Review of…

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RE: ERO# 013-4143 Review of Endangered Species Act 2007

After reviewing the information in ERO# 013-4143, I can see the recommendations in this paper, if passed, will ultimately degrade Ontario’s wonderful natural habitats and unique wildlife. The direct result of this degradation will be a loss of support for the Progressive Conservative Party in the next election.

Over the past two decades a number of people have left the 416 region and moved into the 905 area. The main reasons for the relocation are; escaping the stress of the city, and enjoying the benefits of country or small town life. One main benefit is embracing the pleasure of our natural habitats offer through activities, such as hiking, hunting, fishing, boating, photography, or snowmobiling.

The 905 area has been a stronghold of support for PC’s, but if their tranquil country living is disrupted by environmental deterioration, these voters will be rightly upset and will place blame on the government in power.

As wildlife species become endangered or even extinct, there will be a negative domino effect on habitats which will directly affect the quality of life of these city escapees. Favourite fishing locations in cottage country will be less productive, hunting areas will have less game, forest areas will have less wildlife that people enjoy viewing. Top predators will have less prey, and will eventually invade residential homes in search of food, which includes pet food left in the open, or even pet themselves. This is already happening in my area. Again, voters will blame the government and punish them in upcoming elections.

The other group the PC’s need to concern themselves are the Millennial generation, who are highly attuned to environmental and wildlife issues. By the next election cycle, they will be the largest population cohort, and opposition parties will have a laser focus on their concerns. Millennials will not buy into the belief that “automatic species and habitat protections can contribute to high uncertainty and costly impacts to businesses and the public.” Species protection will trump business impacts in the eyes of these voters.

So it is important for this government to weigh the benefits of a policy that can “streamline approvals and provide clarity to support economic development” resulting in questionable wildlife and habitat protection against future voter disapproval.