I support the Ontario Nature…

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I support the Ontario Nature submission of comments.
Including the repeal of the 2013 exemptions (O.Reg.176/13) for forestry, mining, aggregate extraction, commercial and other industrial development.
Please amend section 57(1)1 of the ESA so that any future exemptions cannot jeopardize the recovery of endangered and threatened species of their habitat.
Please maintain a ditoty habitat rotectionfor endangered and threatened species
Please maintain the COSSARO species listing process as it is based on the best available scientific information including community and indigenous traditional knowledge (ESA section5(3).
Require mediation compensation that results in a direct overall benefit to te species that has been harmed by a permitted activity.please do not allow ant proponent of a harmful activity to bypass the protections in place by simply paying into a fund of any sort. The proponents must be held accountable for their harmful activities.
The Government must reinstate the Ontario Environment Commissioner and allow public comments on Species at risk through this registry with a permanent appeals process.
Please require the MECP to track the impact permits have on at risk species and their habitats and to provide the MECPwith adequate funding,staff and powers to do on the ground inspections and. Investigations to ensure proponents comply with permit conditions.

Thank you for this opportunity to make my comments on the ten year review on the Endangered Species Act .