I fully support the proposed changes to the 10 year review of the ESA. These proposed changes have been needed to bring a balance to some of the species that have been designated either special concern, threatened or endangered. Some of the assessments that the members of COSSARO have used to recommend changes to species designation that are common not only Ontario but surrounding jurisdictions bordering Ontario should not been allowed. I support that COSSARO's recommendations will after this ERO deadline closes will only be considered as advice to the minister and government. These changes will bring logic back to the for front in my opinion and only truly native species that are at risk will be properly designated and common sense will be used in the recovery strategy for such species. It is appalling to me how the liberal minded protectionist organization has been able to have their way with COSSARO and the ESA process. I thank the current government to have recognizance how these processes and Act have been miss used for anti minded agendas. I also thank the current Minister and current Conservative government for bringing to task those that are responsible for making sure these process are transparent and science based decision in the future. There are many examples how the considerations of a specie needs to be looked at to a broader lens to understand that a specie may appear to be at risk in portions of Ontario but in other Canadian and US jurisdictions is considered stable and very common. I applaud the changes proposed and look forward to some species designations being taken of the threatened or endangered list like the grey fox, wolverine and Eastern wolf. The government may have to weed out the individuals that are influenced by anti consumptive use groups and get back to listen to trappers, hunters and fisherman who are the true conservationist as demonstrated in the early 1900's when it was these groups not environmentalist that developed the North American Conservation Act. The government needs recognize trapping and hunting as a valuable management tool for resource managers to use to have health, sustainable populations of wildlife and fur-bearers that are managed for disease also. We need to manage these valuable species for the carrying capacity of the land and for people to harvest for organic food to feed their families and for wise use of pelts from as a value added part of trapping furbearers for management purposes. Hopefully this ESA will get back to be used properly for what its function and purpose was intended.Lots of user groups have become cynical of researchers and their biased based science that has been used for many species. Hopefully the Minister and government will demand that the government researcher remove their personal biases and let the research lead to the true conclusions or results of the work. Sincerely submitted.
Submitted May 7, 2019 9:52 PM
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10th Year Review of Ontario’s Endangered Species Act: Proposed changes
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