Conservation authories play…

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Conservation authories play a HUGE role in maintaining the ecology and environmental conservation in the development of projects. Without them Ontario would be a mess, there would be ton of flooding (cough cough Quebec) and serious damages to ecosystems.

Having worked in the engineering consulting industry in land development - yes they take forever to get back to consultants and it is frankly annoying. So it would be really nice if Conservation authories didn't take almost a year to respond to a project. Albeit, they play a very important role regardless how picky they are. We NEED them to maintain their current roles to ensure developments requirements for stormwater management, watershed protection, environmental protection and etc. Ontario has the most development due to its dense population and urban sprawl. If you kill them off, then you will literally see your lakes, rivers and communities suffer significantly as a result of flooding. Hence, several class action lawsuits will be filled to the provincial governments and municipalities for negligence (again cough cough refer to Quebec's disasterous flooding).

- Sincerely a Civil Engineer concerned about the future.