It is my understanding that…


It is my understanding that the proposed Amendments include an exemption for the logging industry from the requirements of the Act.

Since the logging industry is a major component of habitat destruction, and is furthermore primarily engaged in a low-value raw material business for export to value-adding companies located outside of Canada, it makes absolutely no sense to exempt them from the regulations. You either enforce an act with sufficient teeth to make a difference, or you don't. There is no try!

Destruction of boreal forests by clear-cutting and very poor management practices further contributes to soil loss and major loss of carbon-capture capability thus exacerbating the climate problem. We need holistic understanding of the complexities of the biome, including the importance of the range of herbivores and carnivores and the balance between them.

Sacrificing this balance for a largely foreign-owned benefit makes ZERO sense for Canada and for Ontario. I am totally opposed to exemptions for the logging industry in any amendments to the Endangered Species Act.

[Original Comment ID: 212587]