I firmly believe that it is…


I firmly believe that it is unacceptable for the Ontario government to exempt the logging industry from Ontario’s Endangered Species at Risk Act until at least 2020.

If these exemptions are approved, the already threatened boreal caribou is at risk of losing the vast expanses of forest that the species needs to survive.

No industry is so important to the people of Ontario that it can be allowed to avoid the rules that were established by the people of Ontario themselves to protect endangered species, all of which are vitally important to the survival of Ontario's natural heritage.

It is this natural heritage—including the boreal caribou—that makes living in Ontario such a rich experience, and to allow even one species to become extinct will impoverish that natural heritage and inevitably lead to the unraveling of Ontario's ecological integrity.

Support for the logging industry—or any other industry—must never be allowed to jeopardize the future of any species in Ontario. For that reason I call on the government of Ontario to apply to the logging industry the full weight of the Endangered Species at Risk Act.

[Original Comment ID: 212603]